Thursday, 3 February 2011

Babies and long distance flights

Moaning and Ranting mode engaged.

Why is it that for the last 6 long distance flights I have had the light of proud mummy and daddy’s eyes either in the seat beside me, or immediately behind me. Now I like kids (Couldn’t eat two of them though) but after a hard working trip and on a scheduled long distance flight WHY ME!!!!

Package Holiday flights yes totally understandable, families need their holidays. However with employers cutting back on travel costs the majority of flights these days in the Construction Industry are Economy Class and all that that entails, reduced size of seats, reduced legroom, noise filled cabins and a 7+ hour flight. Those ear defenders don’t work when mummy’s little 2 year old decides it’s time to wake up the whole cabin!

“Sorry sir the flight is full so we cannot move you” says the attendant, whilst all around are breathing a sigh of relief that they are not sat beside this miniature devil in human form. “Oh sorry did Junior wake you/ spill juice/ fill nappy, on you?” says the proud parent.


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